surface pro vs macbook air
surface pro vs macbook air

KeyDifferences·Higherscreenrefreshrate:120versus60Hz·Easiertocarry:weighs370gramsless(around0.82lbs)·Thinnerbezelsand2%higherscreen- ...,Theformfactorisultra-thinandonlyweighs895gramsor2poundssoit'salmostafullpoundlighterthanmyM3MacBookAirandthat...

Microsoft Surface Pro vs. Apple MacBook Air 13-Inch

供應中評分4.0·Whilebothareextremelythinandlight,theMacBookAirisalaptopwhiletheSurfaceProisatablet.AttachoneofMicrosoft'soptional ...FullSpecs·PricingandAvailability...·Display:Sur

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Microsoft Surface Pro 9 vs Apple MacBook Air 13 M3 (2024)

Key Differences · Higher screen refresh rate: 120 versus 60 Hz · Easier to carry: weighs 370 grams less (around 0.82 lbs) · Thinner bezels and 2% higher screen- ...

A Week with Surface Pro 11 OLED

The form factor is ultra-thin and only weighs 895 grams or 2 pounds so it's almost a full pound lighter than my M3 MacBook Air and that's already quite light so ...

預算3萬5左右應該選surface 還是MacBook air

想要輕薄文書機 偶爾又可以打電動 或者畫圖已有iPad pro 想要一台可以真正工作的筆電請問買surface 的網友們在預算內你們會推那一台.

預算3萬5左右應該選surface 還是MacBook air (第2頁)

換購原因除了效能之外,在使用Surface Pro系列之前就都是使用MAC電腦,只是重回MACOSX作業系統擁抱。 這兩台最簡單的差異就是作業系統不同(其他異同處先不比較的話),如果你 ...

Microsoft Surface Pro vs. Apple MacBook Air 13-Inch

供應中 評分 4.0 · While both are extremely thin and light, the MacBook Air is a laptop while the Surface Pro is a tablet. Attach one of Microsoft's optional ... Full Specs · Pricing and Availability... · Display: Sur

Considering Surface Pro 11 as a M2 Macbook Air Replacement

I'd say go for it. I have both an M2 iPad Pro 12.9 and a Surface Pro 11. I have no complaints with the SP11 battery life at all.

Apple MacBook Air 15 (2024) vs Microsoft Surface Pro 11th Edition ...

The MacBook Air has a sturdier build, a larger touchpad, and better-sounding, but the Surface Pro is more versatile and is available with 120Hz displays.

How does the Microsoft Surface Laptop stack up to the MacBook Air?

The 13-inch MacBook Air has a higher native resolution (2560 x 1664) compared to the 13.8-inch Surface Laptop (2304 x 1536).

Surface Pro 11 vs. MacBook Pro 14 (M3)

Both devices feature Dolby Atmos tuning, but the MacBook Pro's six-speaker setup easily trumps the Pro 11's dual speakers. If you want the ...

Surface Laptop:$999 值得嗎?feat. MacBook Air (M2)|全面對比測試

... 購建議相關視頻: Surface Laptop 15” (X Elite-80) vs MacBook Pro 14”(M3 Pro) 微軟Surface Pro 11 & ...


KeyDifferences·Higherscreenrefreshrate:120versus60Hz·Easiertocarry:weighs370gramsless(around0.82lbs)·Thinnerbezelsand2%higherscreen- ...,Theformfactorisultra-thinandonlyweighs895gramsor2poundssoit'salmostafullpoundlighterthanmyM3MacBookAirandthat'salreadyquitelightso ...,想要輕薄文書機偶爾又可以打電動或者畫圖已有iPadpro想要一台可以真正工作的筆電請問買surface的網友們在預算內你們會推那一台.,換購...